Los administradores de Azure administran los servicios en la nube que abarcan capacidades de almacenamiento, redes y computación en la nube, con una comprensión profunda de cada servicio en todo el ciclo de vida de TI.
Módulo 1: Identity Azure Active Directory Users and Groups Lab: Manage Azure Active Directory Identities
Módulo 2: Governance and Compliance Subscriptions and Accounts Azure Policy Role-based Access Control (RBAC) Lab: Manage Subscriptions and RBAC Lab: Manage Governance via Azure Policy
Módulo 3: Azure Administration Azure Resource Manager Azure Portal and Cloud Shell Azure PowerShell and CLI ARM Templates Lab: Manage Azure resources by Using the Azure Portal Lab: Manage Azure resources by Using ARM Templates Lab: Manage Azure resources by Using Azure PowerShell (optional) Lab: Manage Azure resources by Using Azure CLI (optional)
Módulo 4: Virtual Networking Virtual Networks IP Addressing Network Security groups Azure Firewall Azure DNS Lab: Implement Virtual Networking
Módulo 5: Intersite Connectivity VNet Peering VPN Gateway Connections ExpressRoute and Virtual WAN Lab: Implement Intersite Connectivity